Tool Name: Building Conditions

Tool Use: 

Click on a field in the form or anywhere outside of a field. The Blue dotted lines designate the selected field. Once a field has been selected, the field properties for that field type appear in the Properties section on the Form Builder's left-hand side. The Conditional Actions Builder link is contained in the Validations section of the form properties, as shown in the figure below.


The value shown indicates the number of Conditional Actions on the selected field or form.  As conditional actions are added or removed on the field, the number will change. 

  1. To create a new conditional action, first, select the type of action (highlighted below in the image).

  2. Disable



    Popup Message

    Compute Value

    Populate Value

    Email Notification 

  3. To insert conditions/criteria in the Expression Area shown in yellow above, click on the arrow at the bottom. Once at least one condition exists, you can use the other arrows to insert additional expressions where they are needed. To create blocked expressions, select the "Block" button prior to inserting a new condition. Expressions can also be deleted using the red X icon.

  4. To create an entirely new conditional action or to copy one for pasting onto another field, use the controls shown below:


  5. When done, click the Ok button at the bottom prior to saving the form. 

Be sure to SAVE the form prior to exiting the form builder or opening a different form.

Conditional Action Limitations and Considerations

Normalized Tables

Validations and Disable actions are the only two types of conditional action that should be used inside a normalized table (sub-form)

Hidden Fields

If a field contains both Hide and Validation type CAs, it's possible in instances where the field becomes hidden later on, a pre-existing query may exist from a validation that fired. To prevent this, an additional CA would be needed on the field to prevent the validation from firing when the field is hidden.

Upload Fields

Upload field types cannot be used with conditional actions. For example, the following CA would not work: "Send an email notification if 'Upload field A' is not blank." From a conditional action and data validation perspective, the system does not recognize changes to upload fields. Additionally, characterizing an upload field as required in the field properties does not have an effect.

For more information on the available Field Types, please visit the Field Types Knowledge base article.

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